
Our counselor staff at Nock-A-Mixon is one of the best aspects of our organization. With 80-85% of our counselors each summer being former campers, our staff makes it easy to further our camp traditions while naturally being able to show our campers the empathy needed to properly nurture them. Our incredibly high counselor return rate also allows us to be extremely selective when hiring first time staff members.

All of our staff members go through an interview process before being placed within our organization. We strategically identify potential staff members with specific skills such as enthusiasm, willingness to work with children and a true caring demeanor. Each staff member receives weekly feedback sessions from their direct Supervisors in addition to a formal final evaluation before our season ends. Our head staff works tirelessly to ensure that our counselors grow both professionally and personally each summer.

Lastly, all of our staff members take part in a mandatory orientation which takes place the week before our campers arrive. Every staff member must complete a background check, provide references and have an in person interview with a member of our leadership team. We are also proud of the fact that Camp Nock-A-Mixon was one of the first camps to implement a drug testing program for counselors to ensure that our staff is at camp for the right reasons.